Real Estate Loans

Innovative Lending Solutions for Real Estate

Empowering Real Estate Investors

Earnest Money Loans

Need Earnest Money to open a transaction, but have your liquid cash tied up? No problem! We can help with that.

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Double-Closing Loans

Transactions are getting increasingly complicated due to a number of issues. If you need to double-close, we would love to fund that for you.

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Gap Loans

Need additional funds to be able to make a deal work? These short-term loans are the perfect solution! Click below to learn more about how Springboard can enable your success!

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Hard Money Loans

Hard Money loans are the backbone of the Fix-and-Flip world. Find out more about how Springboard’s HML product might work for you!

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DSCR Loans

Investor-friendly Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans allow investors to obtain a loan pursuant to the viability of a rental property. No need to leverage your personal credit!
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What We Do

Empower real estate investors by providing tailored loans to expedite property acquisition. Specializing in Earnest Money, Double-Closing, Gap & Hard Money and other loans, we elevate your investment journey.